
Home / Philosophy of Talents

Human Resources

Lygend cultivates a culture that is welcoming to talents. Anyone with ambitions and strong work ethics will find Lygend home and a great platform for them to realize their value. Lygend is built by our people and we rely on our people to create a better future.

Philosophy of Talents

Lygend’s value resides in its people and firmly believes that the human capital is the key force driving us forward. We offer a variety of career choices and paths for our employees and try our best to optimize each individual’s value creation. We build a strong sense of belonging and responsibility, and incentivize an active work ethic from everyone.

Systems of talents

We develop a management system of recognizing, developing, and keeping different talents. Employees can, based on company’s strategy and their expertise, choose the management path or the specialty path. They will improve their skills and realize their potentials.

Method for selecting talents:

We value both moralities and talents and also recognizes that talents will be best utilized in their right positions. We discover talents from within our organization and from without, and welcome people from all kinds of backgrounds and countries.

Method of developing talents:

We train and educate our employees to improve their skills and professional knowledge. We develop a staggered training system for different levels of talents, and try to build a connection with our employees and the values that Lygend stands for. We focus on those with a strong moral sense, loyalty, responsibility, devotion, and cooperation.

Method for using talents:

We realize our value by discovering problems and solving them, and by improving the ways in which we do things. Creativity and competition is highly encouraged within our organization, as well as cooperation.

Method for keeping talents:

Lygend offers a competitive salary and welfare system, a trusting and conducive work environment, and an open and fair platform for our employees. We train our employees for better skills, we guide our employees for greater goals, and we instruct our employees for higher moral ideals.